Member sponsors
Join Alaska Pathways as a Member Sponsor.
Member sponsors can:
Use the portal to access test bed development, specifically designed by sponsors and through sponsor-collaboration.
Use and link to the Alaska Pathways for a DIGITAL ECONOMY portal link from your organization’s communications channels including website, social media, and print.
Contribute and shape Alaska Pathways for a DIGITAL ECONOMY portal content. Add stories, testimonials, and interviews on Hear From Your Peers, offer presentations, webinars, and talks on Alaska Pathways for a DIGITAL ECONOMY Events, and contribute to the Alaska Pathways Resource pages.
Participation in Alaska Pathways for a DIGITAL ECONOMY online events.
Post and promote job and internship listings.
Join Alaska Pathways by becoming a Member Sponsor. Position your organization at the hub of a growing network of educational and training resources, internships, apprenticeships, and jobs.
Showcase the experiences and benefits of Alaskans who participate in your training programs, internships, and employment. Member Sponsors will be featured as sponsors of sections within the portal site.
Participate, Grow, and Enrich.
Participate in the Alaska Pathways Events by offering online presentations, stories, and discussions. Grow Alaska’s workforce through educational, vocational, and experiential engagement. Support and enrich Alaska Pathways through participation and content contributions.

Contact Us to Learn More
Please provide us your contact information, tell us what you seek from Alaska Pathways sponsorship, and let us know if you have questions. We will be in touch with you as soon as we can!